24 - 30 July 2016
14th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities
ICMC-USP, São Carlos - Brazil
Workshop 24th - 30th July, 2016 and School on Singularity Theory, 17th - 22nd July, 2016
Dear participants,
We still have a few places available in some cars from GRU to VCP airports to bring participants to São Carlos. If you wish to use any of these, please access http://worksing.icmc.usp.br/main_site/2016/Information.php.
The workshop Programme is now available at http://worksing.icmc.usp.br/main_site/2016/Programme.php.
Regarding payment of registration fee, if you have had any problems or doubts using PayPal:
For Brazilians, you can alternatively make a deposit at Banco do Brasil 6845-4 C.c. 20.352-1, and send the receipt to regilene@icmc.usp.br.
For foreigners, our staff will be happy to help you out with PayPal after your arrival in São Carlos.
See you soon!
Best wishes,
Miriam Manoel
(on the behalf of the organizing committee)
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Universidade de São Paulo, Campus São Carlos
PO. Box: 668 | 13560-970 São Carlos - SP, Brazil