November 23 - 30, 2020
9:00am - 10:00am | Opening Session |
10:10am - 11:10am | Carolina Araujo (IMPA, Brazil), Symmetries in algebraic geometry and Cremona transformations (Abstract) |
11:10am - 11:40am | WebCoffee |
11:40am - 12:40pm | Terry Gaffney (Northeastern University, USA), Equisingularity and non-isolated singularities (Abstract) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Claus Hertling (University of Mannheim, Germany), Integral monodromy of isolated quasihomogeneous singularities |
2:45pm - 3:25pm | Xiping Zhang (SCMS, Fudan University, China), Local Euler Obstructions of Reflective Group Orbits |
Stavros Anastassiou (University of Patras, Greece), Local classification of dynamical systems on the Liouville plane | |
3:25pm - 4:00pm | Coffee break |
4:00pm - 4:30pm | Eder Leandro Sanchez Quiceno (ICMC-USP, Brazil), Real algebraic links in the 3-sphere associated with mixed polynomials |
Rustam Sadykov (Kansas State University, USA), Minimizing Crit(M) |
9:00am - 10:00am | Raúl Oset-Sinha (Universitat de València, Spain), The axial curvature for corank 1 singular surfaces (Abstract) |
10:10am - 11:10am | Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues (Universidade do Porto, Portugal), Unfolding a Bykov attractor: from an attracting torus to strange attractors (Abstract) |
11:10am - 11:40am | WebCoffee |
11:40am - 12:40pm | Bruna Oréfice Okamoto (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Isolated determinantal singularities and function germs over them (Abstract) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Guillermo Peñafort Sanchis (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico), k-folding mappings and robust features of surfaces in R³ |
2:45pm - 3:25pm | Roberto Giménez Conejero (Universitat de València, Spain), Monodromy of germs of analytic functions without fixed points |
Graham Reeve (Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom), Contact of Surfaces with circles, and Euclidean invariants | |
3:25pm - 4:00pm | Coffee break |
4:00pm - 4:30pm | Shunsuke Ichiki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), A refinement of transversality theorems |
Yanlin Li (Hangzhou Normal University, China), Tangent developables and Darboux developables of framed curves |
9:00am - 10:00am | Ana Bravo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), On the intrinsic nature of resolution invariants (Abstract) |
10:10am - 11:10am | Jörg Schürmann (University of Münster, Germany), A non-characteristic pullback formula for motivic Chern and Hirzebruch classes (Abstract) |
11:10am - 11:40am | WebCoffee |
11:40am - 12:40pm | Luis Renato Gonçalves Dias (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil), Bifurcation values of algebraic mappings and Jacobian conjecture (Abstract) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Vyacheslav Sedykh (National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Russia), Swallowtail, Whitney umbrella and convex hulls |
2:45pm - 3:25pm | João Carlos Ferreira Costa (IBILCE-UNESP, Brazil), The cone structure theorem for map germs |
Reinaldo Roberto Rosa (INPE, Brazil), Singularities in cosmological manifolds: some mathematical and computational challenges | |
3:25pm - 4:00pm | Coffee break |
4:00pm - 4:30pm | León Kushner (UNAM, Mexico), Quadratics, Cubics and Quartics |
Konstantinos Kourliouros (ICMC-USP, Brazil), Singularities of functions and multi vector fields of maximal degree |
9:00am - 10:00am | Meral Tosun (Galatasaray University, Turkey), Free divisors coming from triple quivers (Abstract) |
10:10am - 11:10am | Kenta Hayano (Keio University, Japan), Stability of non-proper functions (Abstract) |
11:10am - 11:40am | WebCoffee |
11:40am - 12:40pm | José Seade (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico), On the boundary of the Milnor fiber for non-isolated singularities (Abstract) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Rafaela Soares de Carvalho (UFSCar, Brazil), µ-constant deformations of function on ICIS |
Keisuke Teramoto (Institute of Magthematics for Industry, Kyushu University, Japan), Behavior of principal curvatures of frontals near non front singular points | |
2:45pm - 3:25pm | Nhan Nguyen (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain), Regular projection in o-minimal structures |
Dominik Wrazidlo (Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University, Japan), On the rational homotopy type of intersection spaces | |
3:25pm - 4:00pm | Coffee break |
4:00pm - 4:30pm | Leonardo Câmara (UFES, Brazil), Some aspects of complex function germs on the plane |
Fernando P. P. Reis (UFES, Brazil), Milnor-Hamm fibration for mixed maps |
9:00am - 10:00am | Wojciech Domitrz (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), Singular improper affine spheres from a given Lagrangian submanifold (Abstract) |
10:10am - 11:10am | Laurentiu Maxim (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Homological duality: jumping loci, propagation, realization (Abstract) |
11:10am - 11:40am | WebCoffee |
11:40am - 12:40pm | Gathering Session |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Fernando Antoneli (UNIFESP, Brazil), Homeostasis, Singularities and input-output networks |
Maicom Varella (UFSCar, Brazil), Newton Polyhedra and Whitney Equisingularity for IDS | |
2:45pm - 3:25pm | Miguel A. de la Rosa Castillo (CONACYT-UJAT, Mexico), K. Saito-Hertling pairing as a bridge between Grothendieck and Poincaré dualities |
Douglas Hilário da Cruz (UFG, Brazil), Knots and asymptotic lines |
9:00am - 10:00am | André Belotto da Silva (Aix-Marseille Université, France), A proof of Gabrielov’s rank Theorem (Abstract) |
10:10am - 11:10am | Marcelo Escudeiro Hernandes (Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil), The analytic classification of plane curves (Abstract) |
11:10am - 11:40am | WebCoffee |
11:40am - 12:40pm | Jean-Paul Brasselet (Aix-Marseille Université, France), With Euler, a 50 years journey per minute, from Athens to São Carlos (Abstract) (PDF-Bibliography) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Juan Antonio Moya Pérez (Universitat de València, Spain), Finite C0-determinacy of real analytic map germs with isolated instability |
Samuel dos Santos (IBILCE-UNESP, Brazil), Geometry of bifurcation sets of unfoldings of functions with singularity A3, A4 and D4 | |
2:45pm - 3:25pm | Bárbara Karolline de Lima Pereira (UFSCar, Brazil), The Bruce Roberts Number of a Function on an Isolated Hypersurface Singularity |
Tito Medina Tejeda (ICMC-USP, Brazil), Extendibility and boundedness of invariants on singularities of wavefronts | |
3:25pm - 4:00pm | Coffee break |
4:00pm - 4:30pm | Dmitry Kerner (Ben Gurion University, Israel), C(r)/C(r,Lip)-trivialization of equi-resolvable families of isolated singularities |
The Book of abstracts of all presentations is available here.
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Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Universidade de São Paulo, Campus São Carlos
PO. Box: 668 | 13560-970 São Carlos - SP, Brazil