17th International Workshop

on Real and Complex Singularities

July 24 - 29, 2022


Dear participants, here you find a list with the main hotels around the USP campus. Be aware that each participant is responsible by your own hotel booking. If you find any trouble or need any special help on that, please, do not hesitate to contact the members of the organizing committee.

(Rates subject to change)

Sleep Inn São Carlos Rates
www.reserveatlantica.com.br/hotel/sleep-inn-sao-carlos single R$160,00 + 2% ISS
E-mail: reservas.sqsc@atlanticahotels.com.br  double R$190,00 + 2% ISS
Contact staff member: Adriano Siqueira
Rua Conselheiro João Alfredo, 455 Jd Paraíso, São Carlos
Phone (+55 16) 3079-0099
Indaia Residence Rates
www.indaiaresidence.com.br single R$125,00
E-mail: hotel@indaiaresidence.com.br double R$150,00
Contact staff member: Elli Rotta triple R$210,00, quadruple R$ 240,00
Rua Jacinto Favoretto, 782 - Centro, São Carlos, 13560-462
Phone (+55 16) 33737575, whatsapp (+55 16) 98216-4343
The Hill Apart Suites Rates
www.thehillhoteis.com.br/ single R$119,00 + 2% ISS
E-mail: reservas@thehillhoteis.com.br double R$162,00 + 2% ISS
Contact staff member: Bianca triple R$222,00 + 2% ISS
Rua Conde do Pinhal, 1630, Centro, São Carlos-SP
Phone and Whatsapp (+55 16) 3306-3000
Central Park Hotel Residence Rates
www.centralparkhotel.com.br single R$105,00
E-mail: mazoaparthotel@terra.com.br double R$120,00
Contact staff member: Lilia Santos triple R$155,00
Avenida Francisco Pereira Lopes, 2600 - Arnold Schimidt, São Carlos, 13564-740
Phone (+55 16) 33615211, whatsapp (+55 16) 99146-6293
(*) They are opened to negotiate discounts off in the booking fees
São Carlos Marklin Suítes Rates
https://www.marklin.com.br/ single R$160,00 + 5% ISS
E-mail: reservas@marklin.com.br double R$190,00 + 5% ISS
Contact staff member: Larissa Melo
Rua Conselheiro João Alfredo, 77 Jd Paraíso, São Carlos
Phone (+55 16) 3416-3345
Hotel Anacã Rates
http://www.hotelanaca.com.br single R$149,00 + 2% ISS
E-mail: reservas@hotelanaca.com.br double R$169,00 + 2% ISS
Contact staff member: Cintia, Robson ou Thiago
Av. São Carlos, 2690 - Centro, São Carlos, 13560-001
Phone (+55 16) 34164854

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação

Universidade de São Paulo, Campus São Carlos

PO. Box: 668 | 13560-970 São Carlos - SP, Brazil